MVMS - 6th Grade Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up

MVMS - 6th Grade Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up

MVMS - Jr High FCA served the faculty by washing windshields on Friday.

MVMS - MVMS 8th grade students attended Be Pro Be Proud at Ozarka College to learn about different career opportunities. Those careers included: welding, construction, robotics, heavy equipment, lineman, trucking, medical, education, and many others. Thanks to Ozarka College for hosting the event and to Dawsyn Cole for being our guide.

8th Grade Career Development and Business students will visit the Be Pro Be Proud presentation at Ozarka College today. They will learn about a variety of different professions.

The MVMS 7th and 8th grade dance that was scheduled for tomorrow night (Feb 21) will be moved to later date.

MVMS - Congratulations to the MVMS Chess Champion and grade level winners! This year 109 students participated in the tournament. Pictured are the 5th grade winner, the 6th grade winner, and the 8th grade winner and overall champion. Our 7th grade winner was absent.

Bus 8 is running late this morning.

Middle School Parents
Interim reports will be sent home today. Please sign and return your student's progress report.

MVMS - 7th grade science students did a lab to represent the effects weathering and erosion have on rock. They used salt, a bowl, and a piece of chalk!

MVMS - 2025 Homecoming T-Shirts!

MVMS - Christmas Spirit 2

MVMS - Christmas Spirit 1

MVMS - Elves Wreak Havoc Parts 8-9

MVMS - Elves Wreak Havoc Parts 6-7

MVMS - Elves Wreak Havoc Parts 4-5

MVMS - Elves Wreak Havoc Parts 2-3

MVMS - Elves Wreak Havoc Part 1

MVMS - Those pesky Elves took over MVMS last night. Stay tuned throughout the day for more scenes of the messes they caused!

MVMS - Christmas Door Decorating Contest Winners...Congratulations, students, on a job well done!